CAS Project: Mariam’s Pictures

This is Mariam. She is fourteen years old and loves to take photos with her phone. However, on the surface most people only see her as one thing: a refugee. When I met with Mariam for the first time last November, she and her family had been in Berlin for almost a year, having moved between multiple refugee shelters. They had fled the violence in Iraq, including the threat that the so-called Islamic State posed to their safety. Mariam defines herself as both a Christian and a Muslim, and uses religion to guide her through life. The first impression you get of her is one of liveliness and happiness. She is often dressed very colorfully, and as you can see from this photo of her, she is also camera shy.

Mariam lives in a refugee shelter in Kreuzberg, Berlin, together with her brother, mother and step-father. I started volunteering at the shelter in September 2016. For a long time, the volunteer work I did involved simple jobs, like serving food or taking care of children. However, in the Kreuzberg shelter, I wanted to make an impact. In collaboration with the organizers of the shelter, I initiated a photography workshop that was intended to give refugees around my age a creative voice. Luckily for me, someone took interest: Mariam. Over various occasions, she used this project to show us who she is and how she sees her new life in Berlin.

In each of the following pictures, only a selection out of all the photos she took, we glimpse into the life of someone who is not just a statistic in the media, but an individual with hope and happiness. I hope you enjoy seeing these photos as much as I enjoyed being there when they were taken.

UNESCO-Projekt „Inner Peace Day“

Das UNESCO-Projekt „Inner Peace Day“ kam am 06.03.17 nach Berlin und besuchte auch uns in der Nelson-Mandela-Schule. Eine Gruppe von Freiwilligen aus ganz Europa gaben am Montag und Dienstag Workshops in sechs verschiedenen Klassen der Sekundarstufe. Dabei ging es nicht nur um den Frieden in der Welt, sondern auch um den eigenen Frieden tief in uns, der uns zu ausgeglichenen und fairen Mitmenschen einer Gesellschaft macht. Im Rahmen des Workshops gab es eine angeleitete Meditation und kleine Hilfen, mehr Ruhe in den eigenen Alltag zu bringen. Schüler/innen und Lehrkräfte waren sehr begeistert von diesem Projekt und genossen die Ruhe.

Science Friday

Beginning Friday, March 10th, Mr. Peterson will be holding SCIENCE FRIDAYS at NMS Secondary, P30. The purpose is to provide an informal atmosphere in which students are free to ask, explore and have fun in the world of science. The goal is to be more than a ‘science club’; we want this to be a welcoming setting for anyone to come by and ask questions to their heart’s content, to research and discover new knowledge, to use science in creative and nefarious (just kidding) ways and possibly cook some food (cooking is chemistry and biology!). This idea came about after hearing all the wonderful and complex questions students ask in science class, questions for which we never have enough time to answer thoroughly. So SCIENCE FRIDAY will be that, the opportunity not only to ask questions, but for students to be guided on how to find answers and to find new questions. In addition, there have been numerous requests from our students that our school have a Jugend forscht team – so SCIENCE FRIDAY will also be our starting point for that endeavor.

Application to become BERLINER KLIMA-SCHULE

On March 8 a small group of initiators, Meret Weber (10c), Clara Schneck (IB12), Fanny Tockner (Q2) and Florentine Baumann, met to discuss the chances of an application of our school to become a BERLINER KLIMA-SCHULE. The label certifies schools that offer several activities towards sustainability and an eco-friendly school atmosphere.

3C Camouflage Painting

Class 3C finished studying light, optics and optical illusions by using acrylic paints to camouflage our hands with the fur and feather patterns of our favourite animals. It was a challenging, fun and messy afternoon!

Debating Matters Berlin, 28 February 2017

Dear Nelson Mandela School Community,

It is with great pleasure that I inform you that our debating team, made up of Julia Dannemann, Mark Braasch, Alec Dent, James Keogh, Meret Weber and Yara Abdel-Ghany, has won all three debates and are the winners of this year’s Debating Matters for the second year running. The topics they debated for, or against, were:

  • “Humanity should fear advances in artificial intelligence”
  • “Technological progress will not solve society's environmental issues”
  • “Childhood vaccinations should be compulsory”
  • “We should accept the risk inherent in contact sports”
Kunqu Chinese theatre

Kunqu Chinese Theatre, 15.02.2017

Here are pictures from the wonderful Kunqu Chinese theatre performance by the Year 9-10 Drama Elective class (WPU) at P30 on 15 February 2017.

Community Project for Sustainable Living

Students of the present Year 12 participated in a Community Project for Sustainable Living organised by the Hong Kong Baptist University and won prizes in two categories. Congratulations and thanks to Cedric Schmidt, Valerie Boakye, Fanny Tockner, Julia Dannemann-Freitag, Yasmin Krönert, Arja Nunn, Ann-Sophie Jugel, Muriel Grosshennig, Dana Herzberg; their efforts, ideas and enthusiasm paid off!


Spaß in den Winterferien

Viele Schüler_innen der Nelson-Mandela-Schule haben in den Winterferien 2017 das bunte Angebot an Aktivitäten der Ferienbetreuung genutzt. So wurde in der vergangenen Woche winterlich gebacken, gekocht und gebastelt. Außerdem standen Ausflüge in die Villa Oppenheim (Thema: Wie sah das Leben in der Steinzeit aus? – siehe Fotos), auf die Bowlingbahn und Rodeln im Volkspark Wilmersdorf auf dem Programm.

Winter Concert 26.01.2017

On the 26th of January 2017, the annual Winter Concert took place in the Primary Aula. The performance included the school band led by Mr. Langlotz, featuring students from 5th to 8th grade and various numbers by the Mendelssohn-Bartholdy Music school, such as choir performances and piano pieces.

Altogether the concert included a lot of talented young musicians and gave an incredible insight into the music education of our school. Events such as this one strengthen the bond between the primary and secondary campus. Furthermore they help enable the students becoming more self-confident and proud of their achievements.

The Wizard of Oz

The P23 Musical AG performed excerpts from The Wizard of Oz on Wednesday, 25 January 2017. Pictures by Florian Lonicer (the first 15) and Dieter Schaudt (the last three). Enjoy!

Nelson Mandela School Choir: Holiday Songs at the Indian Embassy

On Monday, 12 December 2016, the Nelson Mandela School Choir sang Holiday Songs at the Indian Embassy. The green choir shirts were donated to the choir by the Friends of The Nelson Mandela School. The choir is grateful for their initiative.

We continue to thank the Friends and the Nelson Mandela community for their continued support.  Happy New Years to you all.

The Choir