3 Staffel-Teams unserer Schule qualifizieren sich für das Berliner Finale der OS

Am 14.09.2017 fand der erste Schulsportwettkampf in diesem Schuljahr statt. Es standen spannende Staffelläufe über je 4 x 100 m und  3 x 800 m an. Die Wettkämpfe wurden im Stadion Wilmersdorf ausgetragen, 34 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Sekundarstufe nahmen teil.

Im WK III, Jg. 2003 und jünger, gewannen Rosalie Borkowski, Kl. 9a, Claire Ahern, Kl. 9c, Lydia Rose, Kl. 9d im Endspurt Platz 2 über 3 x 800 m. Sieger wurde das Team der Berlin International School (BIS).

Im WK II, Jg. 2001 und jünger, gewannen ebenfalls Platz 2, Marius Volz, Kl. 9b, Pepijn Akkermanns, Kl. 11b und Benjamin Huggle, Kl. 10a. Hier gewann das Herder-Gymnasium.

Platz 1 in der 3 x 800 m Staffel gewannen im WK II, Jg. 2001 und jünger, Leila Bittner Rosser, Emma Szoczi, beide Kl. 9a und Mia Gerhardt, Kl. 9c. Sie gewannen in der Zeit von 8:33 min, vor der BIS, 9:07 min. und der Robert-Jungk-OS, 9:45 min.

Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

Die Plätze 1 und 2 haben sich für das Berliner Finale am 27. September im F.-L.-Jahn-Sportpark qualifiziert.

Am kommenden Samstag wollen über 50 Schülerinnen und Schüler der Sekundarstufe beim Mini-Marathon über 4,2 km starten.

Trainingsauftakt unseres Schulsportvereins „SCI-NMS e.V.“

Am Freitag, 01.09.2017, beginnt um 16 Uhr im Stadion Wilmersdorf das Training unserer Leichtathletikgruppe. Interessierte Schülerinnen und Schüler sind zur Vorbereitung auf die Staffel-Wettkämpfe von Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf (am 14.09.) über 4 x 100 m, oder 3 x 800 m eingeladen, für die Vorbereitung auf den Mini-Marathon über 4,2 km (am Sonnabend, 23.09.), bzw. auch zum Training für den Vattenfall Schul-Cup im Cross-Lauf in der Jungfernheide.

Weitere Trainingstermine sind am Montag, 04.09., am Freitag, 08.09. und am Montag, 11.09. Infos und Teilnehmerlisten sind am Sportbrett in der P30 ausgehangen, Anmeldung für den Mini-Marathon (für 3€) nur noch bis zum 4. September möglich.

Jörg Fraikin, Vorsitzender SCI-NMS e.V.

Holiday Care Summer 2017

During the holidays the children were looked after by the amazing educator team and enjoyed lots of different activities including: making seascape glass jars; bowling; museum trips; a trip to the Verkehrsschule; learning to rock climb; crafting, drawing and painting; learning self defence; minigolf; cooking and baking; water activities; lego building; den building; caterpillar discovering and, a trip to our caterers at Z Catering, where we saw how our lunch is made in huge vats as big as bath tubs. We also got to make our own pizza. Lecker!!

In the last days, in the (finally) lovely weather the children had fun splashing around in the school yard with water balloons!

We hope you all have a great start to the new year and welcome to all the new children starting this year.

Liebe Grüße from the Educator teams of B24 and P23!

NELMUN: The Nelson Mandela Model United Nations Conference

The basic principle of MUN is simulating the process and works of the United Nations, while exploring relevant and current topics that affect our world. The MUN group at NMS meets biweekly for mock debates. Students slip into the role of delegates from different countries and search for solutions to global problems, while pursuing their country’s agenda.

Every now and then we go to conferences, which are our mock debates on a big scale. We are regular and established members of BERMUN I and II, as well as BALMUN and OLMUN, which take place in Berlin, Rostock and Oldenburg, respectively.

This September we are planning on hosting our own MUN conference (NELMUN) over the course of three days, with the banner topic “Global cooperation for a more sustainable and innovative future”. Schools can register under:

We happily welcome every school that wants to take part in our conference.

To the students or parents interested in helping out the NELMUN conference, please contact us under:

Or approach us and the rest of the MUN team:

Abitur results are in!

Congratulations! The AbiturAllgemeine Hochschulreife (General University Entrance Qualification) results are in and the class of 2017 should be very proud.  The average grade for the class is 2.0. Nelson Mandela State International School again ranks among the highest performing schools in Berlin.

Our graduates intend to continue their education and studies in a vast variety of topics. With their Abitur they have access to leading universities, colleges, academies of arts and other institutions of higher education in Germany, the European Union and Worldwide.

We wish the class of 2017 all the best in pursuing their interests and studies and for their whole lives.

Flex-6 Bundesjugendspiele (NMS Sports Day) 13. Juli 2017

Bilder von den Bundesjugendspielen für die Klassen Flex-6 am 13. Juli 2017.

Alle Fotos von Florian Lonicer.

IB results 2017 are in!

Congratulations! The IB results are in and the class of 2017 should be very proud.  The average point total for the class is 35.  That surpasses the world average by 5 points!  The graduates will be continuing their studies in:

  • Berlin, Germany
  • Bremen, Germany
  • Oxford, UK
  • Lancaster, UK
  • Bradford, UK
  • Barcelona, Spain
  • Cape Town, South Africa
  • Nairobi, Kenya
  • Amman, Jordan
  • Ontario, Canada
  • Riga, Latvia

just to name a few.  We wish the class all the best in pursuing their interests and studies.

Abi/IB Graduation 2017

Congratulations to all students who graduated in 2017!

Coding Workshop at NMS

NMS is preparing for the implementation of the new Basiscurriculum Medienbildung (media education) next school year. Teachers have attended workshops on this topic and the internal curriculum is nearly finished. One element that seems to have been forgotten in the Berlin curriculum is learning about algorithms and basic computer science, even though the KMK (Kultusministerkonferenz) clearly states that this is an important skill in the 21st century, one that has to be taught by German schools, starting in primary.

4e students win in TV show

Last Thursday, 6 July 2017, 4e students Carlo, Dennis and Leo participated in the TV show 1, 2, 3 and they fought for class 4e and won for the whole NMS!! The TV show will be broadcasted in December.

Second Long Night of Knowledge

Dear Parents,
On June 30 2017, starting at 6 p.m., the second Long Night of Knowledge will take place at the Nelson-Mandela-School. During this event, which is based on Berlin's famous tradition of the ‘Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften’, students and teachers want to present to you interesting projects and lectures in Sciences and Arts.